27 May DECISIO® Gains Key Patent for Unique Clinical Dashboard

DECISIO® Gains Key Patent for Unique Clinical Dashboard
HOUSTON, TX, May 8, 2022 – DECISIO announced yesterday the issuance of US Patent 11,309,079 B2, which related to a system, method, and computer program product for providing a patient dashboard system in a hospital setting. The patent covers a method of displaying information in a patient care setting using a near real-time monitoring dashboard. It further covers the collection and aggregation of clinical information from multiple sources to interpret and display actionable insight.
Patent 11,309,079 B2, titled, ‘System And Method For A Patient Dashboard’, filters, analyzes, and displays patient data that is relevant to the treatment of the patient, including recommended medical actions and pertinent positives and negatives results.
The company recently rebranded DECISIO and launched a new website. The flagship product, previously DECISIOInsight, is now named InsightIQTM. InsightIQ reduces clinical variation with digitized bundles of care that prioritizes clinicians’ attention to at-risk, deteriorating patients for early intervention. EnvisionIQTM, a clinical analytics platform, was announced in early 2022 and paves the way for a whole suite of DECISIO IQ products to be announced in the near future.
“The changes we have made at DECISIO over the course of the past several months only strengthens the confidence we have in the huge potential to innovate and improve this space within the healthcare market,” said Co-CEO Dr. John Holcomb. “We have many opportunities in front of us and I am certain that we are on the road to success.”
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DECISIO is a Houston-based digital health company with a customizable clinical decision support platform designed to aggregate and prioritize near real-time data, from any device, and present it visually in one place. The flagship product, InsightIQ, uses continuous smart bedside monitoring which enables clinical teams to efficiently identify patients at risk and comply with established clinical guidelines. Our solutions, including actionable analytics, can be scaled across an entire health system or used in a single care area. For more information, visit www.decisiohealth.com.
Contact Information
Paul Sinclair
DECISIO contact@decisiohealth.com
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