
Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a stroke, making it one of the leading causes of serious long-term disability and death in the country. With more than 800,000 strokes occurring annually, the urgency for effective and efficient emergency care cannot be overstated. The difference between a full recovery and severe, lasting consequences often hinges on the time to intervention—specifically, the time from hospital arrival to the administration of critical medications.1 The Critical Window: First 60 Minutes Research has shown that administering treatment within the first 60 minutes of a stroke can dramatically reduce the risk of disability. This period, often referred to as the "golden hour," is crucial for the administration of thrombolytic drugs that can dissolve the blood clot causing the stroke. Unfortunately, achieving this has been a persistent challenge in many emergency departments across the nation. Enhancing Emergency Response To address this challenge, our innovative solution has been designed to seamlessly enhance existing workflows in emergency departments, particularly for the treatment of acute ischemic strokes. By integrating advanced third-party software systems, we provide a streamlined process that supports rapid decision-making and treatment administration. Impactful Results This solution has helped the clinical team yield profound improvements in stroke treatment metrics: 54% Reduction in...

Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) are specialized groups in hospital settings designed to provide immediate care to patients showing signs of significant clinical deterioration. These teams play an important role in the hospital - act quickly to intervene early. The main goal of this virtual nursing model is to identify and treat patients at an early stage of unanticipated clinical decline to prevent the need for emergency or unplanned transfer to intensive care. Role and Importance of RRTs in Hospital Settings Rapid Response Team’s typically respond to patients after being notified by bedside care teams who observe a patient's condition worsening. Criteria for activating an RRT vary by institution but generally include changes in vital signs, level of consciousness, or other clinical indicators. Upon arrival, the team assesses the patient, administers immediate interventions, and decides on the best course of action: further monitoring, additional treatment, or transferring the patient from acute care to a higher level of care. Incorporating Decisio's Clinical Decision Support (CDS) into RRT Workflow By incorporating the use of Decisio’s Clinical Decision Support (CDS) solution into the existing workflow, this model significantly outperforms the traditional methods of activating the Rapid Response Team. The use of clinical decision support software provides...